
    Credit Union Alert – Credit Union Victory in Federal Court of Appeals in Web-site Access Case – First Appellate Decision in the Nation

    By John M. Bredehoft, Credit Union

    Dear Credit Union friends:

    We are delighted to let you know that, this morning, the United States Court of Appeals issued a unanimous opinion in favor of our client Department of Labor Federal Credit Union, upholding the prior district court dismissal of the web-site visual access case filed against the credit union under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The opinion will be published in the official reports of the federal courts of appeal.

    This is the first federal appellate decision in the nation to consider whether “non-members” can bring an ADA claim against a credit union under the ADA, based on access to the credit union web site. The Court of Appeals agreed with us, and with the district court, that a non-member has no standing to bring such a suit.

    A copy of the Court of Appeals opinion is linked below for your information. We again thank NAFCU and CUNA for participating by filing “friend of the court” briefs.

    While we are very pleased that the courts continue to reject these challenges made against credit unions by non-members, we remain cognizant of the iron-clad commitment of all credit unions to the disabled community and the goals of the ADA.

    With best wishes for the coming new year,


    To read the opinion, click here.

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