
    “Family Law can be highly emotional. The clients who turn to us need attorneys with a lot of experience and understanding, who are readily available, and who will take the time to hear each client’s needs and goals. That’s who we are. We are experienced. We listen. We educate. We advise. And together, we plan for the desired outcome.”

    • Who We Are

      Our Family Law practice helps our clients navigate through some of the most challenging personal legal matters including prenuptial agreements, divorce, post-divorce matters, child custody, and complex distribution of property. We also handle adoption and juvenile court cases.

      We have extensive experience in all legal family matters. We work on creative solutions. We will rigorously pursue successful outcomes.

    • How We Help

      We know everyone’s story is unique and we begin by listening intently for details that may help your case. Then, we educate you about the Virginia laws that apply to your situation and analyze ways we will be there to guide you. Finally, we will strategize and present options and advise on the best option available.              

      As we move together through your case, we will aggressively pursue a resolution, never losing sight of the need for compassion.

      Because this isn’t just Family Law. This is all about you and your family.

    • Who We Represent

      We aren’t surprised to hear someone has come to our practice through a friend or a current client. Referrals keep us busy, and we are proud to have gained the trust of the communities we serve.

      Family issues also require the services of other legal areas of practice – tax, business, trusts and estates. Kaufman & Canoles has experienced attorneys in these fields and will assist on your case and your legal needs without having to go elsewhere.

    • Representative Matters

      • Represent business owners and/or their spouses involving complex valuation issues
      • Represent high net worth clients who have complex property and support issues
      • Represent clients in preparation of Pre-Marital/Marital Agreements to protect assets
      • Represent military members and their spouses involving all aspects of Military law, including pensions and survivor benefit plans
      • Represent Father/Mother/Grandparents in contested custody matters
      • Represent state, civil service and federal employees regarding division of retirement/pension benefits
      • Represent clients in contested support matters
      • Represent clients seeking unpaid child support from non-paying parents
      • Represent clients in multi-state custody, visitation, and support disputes
      • Represent clients through mediation and collaborative law to resolve issues in a non-adversarial manner
    • New Client Intake Package

      Please print out and complete the Family Law New Client Intake Package prior to your first appointment.

    • Press And Publication

    Family Law Attorneys

    Areas of Concentration

    • Contested and Uncontested Divorces on a Fault or No-Fault Basis
    • Spousal Support
    • Child Custody, Visitation and Support
    • Separation Agreements
    • Guardianships
    • Equitable Distribution of Property
    • Retirement, Pensions and Profit Sharing
    • Business Valuation and Division
    • Personal and Real Property Division
    • Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) Actions
    • Post-Divorce Issues
    • Pre-marital Agreements/Marital Agreements
    • Adoption