
    Intellectual Property Client Alert – Intellectual Property Fees

    By Intellectual Property

    Please take note that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will increase the following patent and trademark fees effective January 18, 2025:

    Fee Description Old Fee ($) New Fee ($)
    First-stage utility patent maintenance fee due at 3.5 years 2,000 2,150
    Second-stage utility patent maintenance fee due at 7.5 years 3,760 4,040
    Third-stage utility patent maintenance fee due at 11.5 years 7,700 8,280
    Fee Description Old Fee ($) New Fee ($)
    Trademark Application fee per Class 350 550
    Each additional group of 1,000 characters used to describe the identification of products/services beyond the first 1,000 characters per Class n/a 200
    Section 8 declaration of use per Class 225 325
    Section 15 declaration of incontestability per Class 200 250
    Section 9 registration renewal per Class 300 325
    Petition to the Director 250 400
    Petition to revive an application 150 250
    Letter of protest 50 150
    Amended Allegation of use per Class 100 150
    Statement of Use per Class 100 150

    If you have any questions about the new fees, please feel free to contact our paralegal, Jane Sorey, directly at or at (984) 222.8103.  

    The contents of this publication are intended for general information only and should not be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion on specific facts and circumstances. Copyright 2025.